Vintage Direct Primary Care Member Benefits:

After hours, weekends, and holidays. We know medical problems "show up" when the office is closed. We're still here for you!
We offer 30-60 minute appointments. We don't like our doctors or patients feeling rushed.
Because we limit the size of our practice, we have appointment slots available when you need to be seen promptly. Unlike large practices we don't need to "squeeze you into the schedule."

House calls are included in the cost of your membership.
You can reach our team via telephone, standard text messaging, secure text messaging, secure video chats or you can message us through your patient chart online.
We have negotiated steeply discounted lab test prices with a major national laboratory. We pass those discounted prices directly to you with no markup or profit on our part. You can trust that when we order a test for you, we are doing it solely because we believe it's necessary for your care.

We price shop multiple wholesale generic medication suppliers in order to dispense right in the office generic medications for rock bottom prices. Our goal is to lower your overall health care costs.

A local radiology office offers substantially reduced prices for routine x-rays, CAT scans, ultrasounds and MRIs to patients who pay cash at the time of services.

Office Procedures Included in Your Membership:

  • Pap smears
  • Skin biopsies (extra cost outside of clinic for pathology)
  • Laceration repairs (stitches or “skin glue”)
  • Skin abscess drainage
  • Precancerous skin treatments (freeze therapy)
  • Wart removal
  • Ingrown toenail removal
  • Joint injections
  • Massage Chair Therapy
  • Trigger point injections
  • Earwax cleaning
  • EKGs
  • Pulmonary Function Testing
  • Anticoagulation monitoring (“Coumadin testing”)
  • Strep Tests
  • Pregnancy Tests

Non-Member Services:

We are available for one time sports physicals for non-members at a cost of $50.

We also do Coast Guard and Ship Pilot Certifications for $175.

Dr. Lehmann is DOT-certified medical examiners for commercial driver's license medical certificates. We are happy to provide examinations to non-members at a cost of $100. Exams are free for members.

Allergy Drops

Offering Allergy Drops

Take control of your allergies with allergy drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy. We’re excited to offer this treatment to our member patients. Call us to see how you can benefit from this custom treatment.